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Marketing Communication I: Psychology

Improve your skills and knowledge in psychology and the fundamentals of planning and evaluating marketing communications. Once you pass the final exam, you will receive a signed, shareable diploma. During the course, you will gain insights into the psychology of successful marketing communication, which will help you understand why some communications succeed while others fail. Additionally, you will learn the basics of how communication is planned and evaluated.


The ML Canvas.

In this path you get:

I denna path får du:

  • Diploma your skills and knowledge of the psychology and basics of planning and evaluating marketing communications.
  • After passing the final exam, you will receive a signed, shareable diploma.
  • You will learn the psychology of successful marketing communication.
  • A deeper understanding of why certain communications succeed or fail.
  • The basics of how communication is planned and evaluated. 

This path is for:

Denna path passar:

For anyone responsible for or involved in the process of planning, producing or evaluating marketing communications. Whether you work as a producer, client or agency.

Path Overview

The Psychology of Marketing Communication

We start with an in-depth look at how marketing communication affects people. Here we go through the structure of influence and you begin to familiarize yourself with concepts and how they are connected. After the module, you will have a better understanding of how people are affected by communication.

Psychology Behind Market Communication


Learn the secrets of effective marketing communication.

Planning Marketing Communication

Here we shift the focus to the more practical aspect of marketing communication by looking at the planning process. After the module, you should feel more familiar with the different elements that need to be in place to plan marketing communication.

The first course covers the elements that need to be in place for successful planning. The course looks at the importance of determining the target group, the task of the communication and then guidelines for the choice of creative and channel. The second course looks at three common briefs and what is important to consider for their success. The third course focuses on measuring the impact of marketing communications. Here we lay the foundation for talking about measuring impact.

Handle the Standard MarCom Briefs


Gain insights into the most common communication briefs and how to deal with them.

Metrics To Measure Market Communication Effect


Learn different ways and metrics to measure the impact of marketing communications.

How To Plan Market Communication


Learn what needs to be decided to plan effective marketing communications.

Designing Marketing Communication

Now it's time to focus on how different types of marketing communication work. Three courses cover how we influence attention, preference, and sales. This is a good reminder of how communication influences people, as we went through in Module 1. After the module, you should be able to evaluate why certain creatives and devices were successful or not in influencing people and what improvements could be made.

MarCom That Grab Customers’ Attention


Learn the psychology behind communication that makes your customers unable to look away.

MarCom That Changes Preferences


Learn the different ways in which marketing communications can change your customers' preferences and opinions.

MarCom That Drives Sales


Learn the tactics behind marketing communications that drive sales and other behaviors.

Evaluating Marketing Communication

There are many different factors that affect the success or failure of marketing communications. It is therefore important to take a holistic approach to the evaluation of communication. In the first course, we go into how an evaluation of the whole of marketing communication takes place. In course two, we focus even more on channels. After the module, you should feel that you have the tools to evaluate why a certain marketing communication created more or less effect.

Evaluating MarCom Channels


Learn to evaluate the suitability, strengths and weaknesses of communication channels.

How to Evaluate Market Communication


Learn how to reason and analyze the effects of marketing communication in a structured way.

How to use paths

Module 1: 

The Psychology of Marketing Communication

The keys to successful marketing communication lie in the mind of the customer. Suppose we can understand how the customer is affected by communication. In that case, we can also to a greater extent, figure out why certain communications are successful. In this course, you will get a review of the psychology behind communication when the course leader Erik Modig presents the Influence Matrix from his winning book Bang for the Buck.

You will gain a deeper understanding of the psychology behind effective marketing communication. You will get the vocabulary to talk and discuss different effects and concepts that are crucial for understanding why certain communications succeed or fail.

We start with an in-depth look at how marketing communication affects people. Here we go through the structure of influence and you begin to familiarize yourself with concepts and how they are connected. After the module, you will have a better understanding of how people are affected by communication.

We start with an in-depth look at how marketing communication affects people. Here we go through the structure of influence and you begin to familiarize yourself with concepts and how they are connected. After the module, you will have a better understanding of how people are affected by communication.

Module 2: 

Planning Marketing Communication

Different communication challenges need to be addressed in different ways. There are a number of questions, assessments, and things that need to be checked in order for the client or agency to create the right conditions for success. The course goes through the three most common briefs and how you can handle them to maximize the likelihood of success.

Marketing communications can affect the success and growth of a company in many ways. Therefore, it is essential to customize the metrics that are measured to evaluate different investments. Here you will be introduced to several different metrics so that you can choose the most appropriate ones for each investment.

You will learn many different metrics that you can use to evaluate marketing communications. This means that you can set up customized measurements for each campaign so that you can evaluate its impact in a relevant way.

A good plan enables effective communication. Thus, the ability to plan marketing communication is important for future impact. This course covers what is important to decide and discuss to create a clear plan.

You will learn how to plan marketing communication. You get a structure on the different elements that need to be specified to clearly create a structured learning environment for effective marketing communication.

Here we shift the focus to the more practical aspect of marketing communication by looking at the planning process. After the module, you should feel more familiar with the different elements that need to be in place to plan marketing communication.

The first course covers the elements that need to be in place for successful planning. The course looks at the importance of determining the target group, the task of the communication and then guidelines for the choice of creative and channel. The second course looks at three common briefs and what is important to consider for their success. The third course focuses on measuring the impact of marketing communications. Here we lay the foundation for talking about measuring impact.

Here we shift the focus to the more practical aspect of marketing communication by looking at the planning process. After the module, you should feel more familiar with the different elements that need to be in place to plan marketing communication.

The first course covers the elements that need to be in place for successful planning. The course looks at the importance of determining the target group, the task of the communication and then guidelines for the choice of creative and channel. The second course looks at three common briefs and what is important to consider for their success. The third course focuses on measuring the impact of marketing communications. Here we lay the foundation for talking about measuring impact.

Module 3: 

Designing Marketing Communication

One of the most important criteria for communication to be effective is that the target audience pays attention to it. However, human attention is not easy to get, and many pitfalls lead to ads not being seen. Here you will get an overview of how attention works to ensure you design your communication to capture, retain and extend the time your current and potential customers spend looking at it.

You will learn to really understand how attention is achieved. You will receive several checklists that can be used to find the potential for improvement in your existing and future communications.

Changing customers' opinions is difficult. It means that companies must change what customers think and feel about them. This course explores the challenges and opportunities of influencing customers' attitudes and, therefore their preferences. We look at how we change preferences for high and low-commitment decisions and how we can change customers' feelings about our company and products.

You will learn to understand what it takes for marketing communications to change opinions and preferences. This means you will be better equipped to discuss and decide on a strategy for brand-building campaigns. You will also be better able to evaluate why campaigns succeed or fail.

Many marketing communications aim to directly impact sales and other behaviors. This course provides an overview and practical tips on how to increase the impact of this type of communication. You will gain insights into how to play on emotions to increase customers' willingness to buy and which tactics are best suited for low and high-commitment decisions.

You will learn how to improve the sales impact of your marketing communications. You will get a list of concrete actions that you can go back to when you notice that a campaign is not having enough impact on behaviors.

Now it's time to focus on how different types of marketing communication work. Three courses cover how we influence attention, preference, and sales. This is a good reminder of how communication influences people, as we went through in Module 1. After the module, you should be able to evaluate why certain creatives and devices were successful or not in influencing people and what improvements could be made.

Now it's time to focus on how different types of marketing communication work. Three courses cover how we influence attention, preference, and sales. This is a good reminder of how communication influences people, as we went through in Module 1. After the module, you should be able to evaluate why certain creatives and devices were successful or not in influencing people and what improvements could be made.


Module 4: 

Evaluating Marketing Communication

The channel plays an important role in terms of its ability to deliver a message to a target group. Thus, it is of great importance to be able to reason and analyze why certain channels are better or worse suited for certain messages to different target groups. In this course, we go through the factors determining channels' potential impact.

You will learn to evaluate channels on both qualitative and quantitative characteristics. This will enable you to better choose relevant channels for different messages and feel confident in the channels you have, provided they are the right ones. Find out here.

This is the survival guide to understanding and analyzing marketing communication. The course presents a clear structure for the different aspects that affect the success of different types of marketing communication. Thus, you will both understand and be able to optimize the impact of your marketing communication investments.You will learn how to evaluate marketing communication. You will get tools to discuss with colleagues or agencies why certain campaigns work better or worse and what the solutions might be.

There are many different factors that affect the success or failure of marketing communications. It is therefore important to take a holistic approach to the evaluation of communication. In the first course, we go into how an evaluation of the whole of marketing communication takes place. In course two, we focus even more on channels. After the module, you should feel that you have the tools to evaluate why a certain marketing communication created more or less effect.

There are many different factors that affect the success or failure of marketing communications. It is therefore important to take a holistic approach to the evaluation of communication. In the first course, we go into how an evaluation of the whole of marketing communication takes place. In course two, we focus even more on channels. After the module, you should feel that you have the tools to evaluate why a certain marketing communication created more or less effect.


Module 5: 


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Module 6: 

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Workshop 1

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Workshop 2

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Workshop 3

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Workshop 4

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Examinationen består av två olika delar som examineras samtidigt eller var för sig.


För det första kommer du att få en uppsättning av 20 st flervalsfrågor baserat på innehållet i de fyra modulerna. Frågorna har ett rätt svar utifrån fyra olika alternativ. Här behöver du få 15 rätt för att bli godkänd. Om du inte får det vid första tillfället kan du ta testet igen en vecka efteråt.


Du behöver också genomföra en inlämningsuppgift som består av två moment med två uppgifter i vardera moment.

  1. Analys av beslutsfattande
    För det första ska du själv väljer ett bolag som du analyserar utifrån vilken typ av påverkan deras kommunikation skulle behöva ha på sin målgrupp för att lyckas med ett utsatt mål. Du anger vilket bolag, vilket mål de har och redogör för hur de ska uppnå det genom att koppla an till de olika begreppen i modul 1.

    För det andra kommer vi att ge dig ett bolag och ett specifikt mål som du ska analysera utifrån vilken typ av påverkan deras kommunikation skulle behöva ha för att lyckas med det uppsatta målet. Här ska du förklara utifrån de begrepp som presenteras i modul 1 vad kommunikationen skulle behöva uppnå.
  2. Analys av marknadskommunikation
    För det första vill vi att du väljer ett exempel av marknadskommunikation (en annons, ett mail eller liknande) och analyserar vilken möjlig effekt denna kommunikation bör ha på en definierad målgrupp.

    För det andra kommer vi att ge dig ett exempel av marknadskommunikation (en annons, ett mail eller likande) där vi vill att du analyserar möjlig effekt samt kommer med tre konkreta förbättringsförslag.

Hela inlämningsuppgiften bedömer vi tar ca 2 timmar och vardera analys ca 0,5 A4 i skrift, så totalt ca 2 A4 text.

Efter inlämning får du besked om du är godkänd. Om ej godkänd kommer krav på komplettering och då är du godkänd när den färdigställts. När båda delarna är klara får du ditt diplom.

Anmäl dig till examination genom att maila till:



The examination consists of two different parts that are examined simultaneously or separately.

Multiple choice questions

Firstly, you will receive a set of 20 multiple choice questions based on the content of the four modules. The questions have one correct answer from four different options. Here you need to get 15 right to pass. If you don't get it right the first time, you can take the test again a week later.

Hand-in assignment

You will also have to complete an assignment consisting of two parts with two assignments in each part.

  1. Analysis of decision-making
    Firstly, you will choose a company to analyze based on the type of impact their communication would need to have on their target audience in order to achieve a set goal. You indicate which company, which goal they have and explain how they will achieve it by linking to the different concepts in module 1.

    Secondly, we will give you a company and a specific goal to analyze based on the type of impact their communication would need to have in order to achieve the set goal. Here you should explain, based on the concepts presented in Module 1, what the communication would need to achieve.
  2. Analysis of marketing communication
    Firstly, we want you to choose an example of marketing communication (an advertisement, an email or similar) and analyze the possible effect this communication should have on a defined target group.

    Secondly, we will give you an example of marketing communication (an advertisement, an email, or similar) where we want you to analyze the possible effect and come up with three concrete suggestions for improvement.

We estimate that the entire assignment will take about 2 hours and each analysis about 0.5 A4 in writing, so a total of about 2 A4 text.

After submission, you will be notified if you are approved. If not approved, you will be required to complete the work. When both parts are completed, you will receive your diploma.

Register for the examination by emailing: cecilia@marketinglevel